
How to add existing R to Jupyter Notebook

a detailed guide to install existing R kernel to the Jupyter Notebook.

Using Tensorflow with GPU within RMarkdown

a solution to the GPU memory error failed to create cublas handle CUBLAS_STATUS_ALLOC_FAILED

Install GPU Support to TensorFlow on Windows

It takes quite a number of steps to make GPU work on Windows. This guide summarizes all the necessary steps to intall the GPU support to TensorFlow.

Scrape webpage tables and visualize interactive plot using plotly in R

a detailed guide to scrape data from website usig R and Python and visualize data using plotly

Import from Evernote to Notion

Welcome I have been using Evernote for some years but now I want to switch to Notion. I don’t know why, just want to try something new. Notion has a nice import function and you can import your notes from many different sources including markdown file and Evernote.

How to launch jupyter notebook from any folder

When you launch Jupyter Notebook from Anaconda, it will load the jupyter server from the default folder of Anaconda Powershell Prompt which is usually C:\Users\yourname. Unless you store all your notebooks under the default folder, you may want to load your notebooks from a different folder.